Students in North Thailand and overseas Chinese students studying in Taiwan are awarded with the scholarship by Mr. Cheng
Text by DEF 2019/10

The Scholarship and Grant for Chinese Schools in North Thailand were formerly funded by Delta Electronics Foundation but is currently implemented by Delta Electronics Thailand(DET). This year, it has entered the 19th year since it was founded. The awards ceremonies in areas of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand were held separately on the 17th and 18th day of August. The Scholarship and Grant for Chinese Schools in North Thailand provides scholarship and grant to 100 elementary school students, each 1,000 Thai baht, and 100 high school students, each $2,000 Thai baht, in Chiang Mai area and Chiang Rai area separately. The scholarships and grants provided in the past 20 years plus subsidies for software and hardware benefited more than 4,000 people and the total amount exceeds twenty million Thai baht. 

The Principal of Khung Fu High School, Yan Xie-Qing, who brings the students down the mountain to receive the awards indicates that the students are looking forward to going to Yunnan Hall to participate in the awards ceremony every year, for this is a time of glory and gratitude. Li Quo-Qiang, a student of Khung Fu High School, has received the scholarship and grant from “Plum Blossom Program”, Adopt-A-High-School-Student, for three consecutive years. He indicates that the scholarships and grants are a great encouragement to students. With the scholarships and grants, they can purchase stationery and extracurricular reading materials, or even pay for the accommodation fee. For students who come from the family of low income, it may slightly reduce the burden of their parents. The Vice President of Operations of DET, Xu Wei-Min, who had once studied in Mae Salong Xinghua School in Chiang Rai, always takes time to attend the awards ceremony and visit Xinhua School every year. Xu Wei-Min encourages the students not to fear difficulties and hardship and welcome them to work for DET. It is also a feedback to the contributions of overseas Chinese students in North Thailand in building up the factory of DET 30 years ago. 

Under the arrangement of the Foundation, five overseas Chinese students who received this year’s scholarship and grant for overseas Chinese student coming from North Thailand to Taiwan attended another awards ceremony held on the 30th day of August in Neihu district of Taipei City, while the team of DET attended via video. Through this opportunity, they communicated with each other, and especially, learned about the living and learning experiences from other overseas Chinese students that have already studied in Taiwan. For students who just came to Taiwan for study, this was a precious experience. During the ceremony, the CEO of the Foundation, Zhang Yang-Qian, took the experience of Mr. Cheng, the founder of the Scholarship, who came to Taiwan for study and started a business in his early age, as an example to encourage the students. It is not easy to come alone to Taiwan. He hopes the scholarship and grant can reduce their financial burden so they can concentrate on learning and hopes that they will not forget to give feedback to their hometowns when going back to their country after graduation, for this is the important purpose of studying abroad.

The managers of DET participate in the awards ceremony via video and encourage students to study hard