Delta Thailand’s experience in sustainable development report disclosure
Text by Corporate Sustainability Department (Thailand) 2024/10
With increasing expectations for environmental stewardship, social responsibility and strong governance, sustainability reports have become indispensable for demonstrating a company’s commitment to responsible business practices. Governments and investors in various countries have also introduced laws and standards to regulate the disclosure. In response to global trends, Delta's China, India and EMEA ESG teams have successively launched relevant disclosure efforts. Delta Thailand released its first sustainable development report as early as 2016. In addition to complying with the Thai government's requirements for companies to provide information, it has further improved ESG disclosure in accordance with the 2020-2022 strategic plan of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand. Although Delta Thailand encountered many challenges in the process of reporting, the release of the report brought positive results for the company.

Challenges of writing a comprehensive sustainability report
Gathering accurate data is a significant hurdle when preparing a sustainable development report, especially for a company as vast and multifaceted as Delta Thailand. Data must be collected across the entire supply chain, from material sourcing to manufacturing and logistics. This requires tracking the carbon footprint of imported materials, the emissions generated during production, and other environmental impacts. In fact, it is extremely difficult to have all of the data at hand, and incomplete or inaccurate data can undermine the report’s credibility and influence the verification.

Another crucial challenge in reporting is striking the right balance between transparency and protecting sensitive business information. While companies need to be open about their sustainability performance to maintain stakeholder trust, they must also safeguard their competitive advantages. For example, if electricity consumption significantly increased in a given year, simply omitting this data is not an option. Instead, Delta must provide some context. For example, disclosing increased energy usage due to production growth would be indicated as a percentage instead of absolute value while also outlining plans to reduce future consumption. This careful balance between transparency and confidentiality is key to maintaining credibility and integrity without compromising business interests.

Maintaining consistency in reporting is also challenging. Stakeholders such as investors and ESG bodies often look for year-over-year comparisons to track a company’s progress toward sustainability goals. However, varying interpretations of sustainability metrics can complicate the benchmarking process, making it harder for stakeholders to compare Delta’s progress against that of competitors.

Best practices for effective reporting
How can we deal with the challenges? First, we must align sustainable development reports with globally recognized frameworks such as the GRI and SASB. These frameworks provide a clear structure recognized internationally for reporting on environmental, social, and governance factors, ensuring that all critical areas are covered. By adhering to these standards, we ensure the credibility and comparability of the reports, allowing stakeholders to easily assess its sustainability performance and letting the company benchmark against the best in the industry for continuous improvement.

We must also collaborate across departments and clearly communicate the information required for the report. Implementing 3rd party verification processes helps maintain data accuracy and consistency, and we can write the content in the most concise and understandable way.

For Delta Thailand, sustainability is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a core element of the company’s business strategy. Anticipating global trends such as environmental regulations and carbon taxes, Delta has positioned itself at the forefront of green technology innovation. This can be shown in the report, which serves as a proactive approach that allows us to stay ahead of the competition while addressing emerging challenges before they become pressing issues or result in any inconveniences for our customers.

Positive impacts on Delta Thailand
Delta Thailand provided sustainability disclosures earlier than other regional offices. Disclosures can in effect bring positive impacts on the company. A robust sustainable development report can elevate a company’s brand reputation, fostering trust with stakeholders and thereby strengthening its social license to operate. Delta Thailand has demonstrated success in this regard, evidenced by its strong brand reputation, which was ranked 13th among the 50 most valuable Thai brands in 2024 by Brand Finance, and by sustaining over two decades of profitability. We are also the only Thailand electronics manufacturer listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices’ (DJSI) World Index from 2021 to 2023, and have attained an AA score in the MSCI Global ESG Rating. This recognition underscores Delta Thailand’s leadership in sustainability efforts, and we hope that our experience and results will further help Delta's future reporting in each region.
Delta Thailand is the only Thailand electronics manufacturer listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices’ (DJSI) World Index from 2021 to 2023.

Delta Thailand was Included in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024 for Outstanding ESG Performance.