Delta’s dynamic MDC solution assists to build the university infrastructure
Text by DGC 2019/10

A university in the northwest region has planned to build an information building on its new campus, including the campus internet server room, security server room, data center, command center and others. The data center has a total surface area of about 1500 m2, and is built with an infrastructure that includes seven of Delta’s dynamic series micro-modular data center (MDC) solution.

In compliance with the university’s demands and future trends, Delta offers users the dynamic MDC solution along with the DCIM data center's basic infrastructure management system, which has advantages such as a system structure, high reliability, low cost equipment, and a good storage expandability. The design was made in consideration of three aspects: high usability, rapid deployment, and excellent storage expandability. The data center adopts the dynamic micromodule to construct an independent and comprehensive space that includes: the DPH series modular UPS, precision air conditioning, high density server cabinets, and pre-engineered server cabinet-top cable modules, PDU, airflow control systems, and others. It also provides smart management through the DCIM system.

The DPH series modular UPS has a high reliability, excellent performance and efficiency like the Delta UPS, as well as the (N+X) fault tolerance achieving automatic redundancy for the power supply module through built-in control mechanisms. 

Delta dynamic series MDC solution assists to build the data center infrastructure on campus