Delta MDC solution has been applied to the e-governance joint visit reception center
Text by DEF 2019/10

Recently, Delta's Micro Data Center (MDC) solution has been successfully applied to the e-governance joint visit reception center of a certain region. The highly integrated and scalable solution safeguards the data security of the e-governance platform improving the government’s information technology infrastructure. 

Traditionally, small and medium sized e-governance data centers adopt a distributed procurement approach to buy what is needed, which causes numerous issues. In order to improve it, the e-governance data center at the said governmental user’s joint visit reception center has selected Delta’s 20kVA MDC, which demonstrates the rapid deployment of a stable and reliable small data center by enterprise users. For small data centers of less than 10 IT rack cabinets and 50 m2, a three-in-one system including a power supply and monitoring integrated system, a cabinet system, a cooling system will be provided. It is easy and flexible for installation, smart and simple to manage, and offers small data center users a great value for cost, a highly applicable solution. In consideration of the demand by administrative departments for operations to be as simple as possible, the rapid installation of MDC only requires a power cable and data cables to begin its operation. As for the government agency e-governance’s potential demand to expand storage in the future, MDC also supports the expansions at any time. Its three main software functions - power management, user management, and environment monitoring - also shows the demands of many enterprise users for reliable monitoring and smart management.

Delta Micro Modular Data Center (MDC) solution