Delta has been included in the DJSI World Index for the 9th consecutive year
Text by Corporate Communications 2019/10

Delta has just been recognized by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) 2019 assessment as the industry leader within the Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components sector for the fourth time. With the global challenge of climate change and strong competition among peers, Delta has now been included in the DJSI World Index for the 9th consecutive year and in the DJSI Emerging Markets Index for the 7th consecutive year. The 2019 DJSI survey not only underscores Delta's continuous dedication towards climate change action and superior performance in economic and social dimensions, but also rewards the Company with the highest score in 8 criteria, outperforming the previous years. The DJSI assessment recognizes Delta’s efforts in the three dimensions of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance). With its focus on climate change action, in 2018, Delta reduced its carbon intensity by 16.8% in efforts to achieve the Science Based Target (SBT) set in 2017 of reducing its carbon intensity 56.6% by 2025. 

Mr. Jesse Chou, Delta's chief sustainability officer, highlighted, " In 2019, our cooperation with the Delta Electronics Foundation in the promotion of environmental education and green buildings and transportation concepts helped us achieve full credits in “Innovation Management”, “Environmental Reporting”, and Social Reporting”. Delta also led the electronics industry in 5 major criteria for the 2019 DJSI corporate sustainability assessment: “Materiality”, “Risk and Crisis Management”, “Codes of Business Conduct”, “Product Stewardship”, and “Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy”. Delta’s dedication to innovative development, enhancing eco-efficiency, increasing its percentage of renewable energy, and balancing the development on ESG, have supported us in achieving this year's industry leadership position.

 Delta has recently issued its 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report. Delta's high energy-efficient products have helped its clients save 28.1 billion kWh of electricity from 2010 to 2018, reducing 15.06 million tons of carbon emissions. From 2011 to 2018, a total of 1,846 energy-saving solutions were implemented at its major plants, saving 230 million kWh of electricity and reducing about 186,000 tons of carbon emissions. As for energy conservation through green buildings, the 15 certified factories and 5 academic buildings that Delta has sponsored to build have saved 17.83 million kWh of electricity and reduced about 11,200 tons of carbon emissions. 

 Delta is included in the 2019 DJSI World Index