Delta Electronics Thailand in FTSE4Good Index Series 2019
Text by DET 2019/10

Delta Electronics Thailand is in the FTSE4Good Emerging Index for the third consecutive year. Delta remains a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series following the June 2019 index review by global index provider FTSE Russell.  

Launched in 2001, the FTSE4Good Index Series measures performance in companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. In 2016, the FTSE4Good Emerging Indexes began for companies in over 20 emerging countries. Delta’s Sustainable Development Committee strives to ensure a resilient business model that encompasses all necessary Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aspects.  

As part of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), FTSE Russell’s ESG Ratings provide a multi-dimensional measure of environmental, social and governance exposure and practice. Investors can leverage the FTSE4Good Index as a tool for sustainable investment and as a framework for corporate engagement and stewardship. Delta commits to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) as it works to create a sustainable business that adds value to all stakeholders. 

DET in the FTSE4Good Emerging Markets Index 2019