Delta Breez Ventilation Fans wins 2019 Dealer Design Award for the second consecutive year
Text by Indoor Air Quality Division 2019/08

Delta, a global leading provider of power and thermal management solutions, its ventilation fan Breez Signature SIG80-110ELED was awarded the 2019 ACHR Dealer Design “Silver Awards”, which selected the best HVACR product that has been introduced over the last year. This is the second consecutive year the ACHR News has awarded Delta. The winners were chosen by a panel of independent HVACR contractor judges out of 98 product applications in the Ventilation Products category.

The judges rated the products on ease of installation, use, maintenance, application and repair, reliability and design excellence. The award-winning product not only recognized Delta Breez fans for high quality, but accredited for Delta’s service capabilities.

Delta Breez Ventilation Fans wins 2019 Dealer Design Award