Excellent universities from China, Taiwan, India, Thailand, Vietnam and the Netherlands in the 6th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest
Text by IABG 2019/08

The 6th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest (Delta Cup) has just been held at Delta’s Wujiang Plant in Jiangsu, China, from July 24-28. Sun Yat-sen University, Fontys University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University won the Grand Prize among a total of 79 teams in the final contest. This year, the CTO Special Prize is awarded to Professor Bai-yu Tseng. The team led by Professor Tseng from the Taipei University of Technology won the First Prize. Please go to below website for detailed information:

“Seeking Smart IoT Talents” - The 6th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest in Wujiang, China

Yancey Hai, the Chairman of Delta Electronics attends the contest and indicates that talent is the key accelerator of smart manufacturing development. Delta Cup is a great opportunity to discover and cultivate more talents for industrial automation.

Mr. Andy Liu, the General Manager of Delta’s Industrial Automation Business Group (Sixth from the right, front row) awarded the Grand Prize to the winners

Yancey Hai, Chairman of Delta Electronics attended this year’s contest. He said at the opening ceremony, “Combining Delta’s advanced smart manufacturing concepts and technology with cooperation between governmental organizations, corporations, and universities, we hope to cultivate and find more talent. From previous experience, this contest is a great platform for students to understand the trends of smart manufacturing with real practices.” Min Wu, the Committee Member of the National Steering Committee for Undergraduate Teaching of Automation Specialties indicated that for six consecutive years, the Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest has been closely tied with industry trends as an excellent platform for students to apply theory in real, innovative, and creative applications.”

This year, more foreign universities participated enthusiastically, including 3 Thai university teams, 3 Indian university teams, 2 Vietnamese University teams, 1 Dutch university team and 8 Taiwanese teams entered the finals successfully. The team from the Netherlands made its debut at the Delta Cup.

Project highlights of Grand Prize Winners included:
.Sun Yat-sen University “Team Chen-Yu Wen 2.0” (Taiwan) which built a Reinforcement Learning Robotic Arm with speech recognition and object detection system
.Fontys University of Applied Sciences “Team Fontys Smart Wrist” (the Netherlands) which applied two wedge shaped disks mounted on bearings for independent rotation control
.Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Team Jiao Chi” (China) which presented a Self-organizing Flexible Production Comprehensive Optimization System under an intelligent manufacturing scheme

The world’s first 8K environmental documentary “Water with Life in Taiwan” was shown to all participants at the award ceremony. The documentary raises the awareness of participants to the impact of global warming and human activities on water and the related environment, and spotlights our precious water resources.