Commemoratation of the steadfast character of Mr. Li Kwoh-ting
Text by DEF 2019/08

Coinciding with the 110th birthday of Mr. Li Kwoh-ting, the "Godfather of Technology" in Taiwan, the Delta Electronic Foundation and the K.T. Li Foundation for Development of Science and Technology jointly hosted the memorial lecture for Mr. Li’s 110th birthday on June 5th. The prominent pioneering figures from Taiwan’s technology industry, government, and academia were invited, such as Chen Liang-gee, Minister of Science and Technology, Matthew Miao, Chairman of MiTAC-SYNNEX Group, Mr. Stan Shih, founder of Acer, and Mr. Morris Chang, founder of TSMC, to jointly commemorate the feats of advisor Li in pushing for the development of the technology in Taiwan.

Mr. Bruce Cheng, founder of Delta Group and Chairman of the Delta Electronics Foundation, recalled his days as an entrepreneur. At that time, Delta faced the issue of taxation while cooperating with a US-based precision electronics corporation (TRW). Mr. Li coordinated with the customs to solve the problem in the company and adjusted the tax exemption method in less than one year. It is precisely because of the dedication of advisor Li and the other predecessors that young people had the opportunity to be educated, employed, and provided with a good entrepreneurial environment that contributed to today’s Delta.

Keeping in mind that advisor Li once said that "technological development is the driving force behind economic development," Delta has invested a lot of efforts internally to offer a favorable environment for engineers to research and develop. At the lecture and the follow-on meeting, "Water with Life in Taiwan” campus tour, Delta presented the attending guests with the world’s best 8K projectors . Through this ultra-high-quality 8K projector, the attending VIPs were all amazedby this new work in visual revolution.

Finally, the founder Mr. Bruce Cheng encouraged young people to understand the vision of Mr. Li, the presidential advisor, not forgetting to remind everyone that they should be grateful of the predecessors’ efforts and continue to strive for Taiwan's technological development and environmental sustainability.

A number of VIP guests participated in the lecture for Mr. Li's 110th birthday, commemorating advisor Li’s steadfast character. Starting from the front left: Mr. Chen Liang-gee, Mr. Stan Shih, Mr. Bruce Cheng, Mr. Matthew Miao, and Mr. Morris Chang, founder of TSMC. Third from the left on the second row is Ms. Shan-Shan Guo, Delta’s Chief Brand Officer