DET listed in CDP for 3rd Consecutive Year
Text by DET 2019/04

Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL. (DEI and DET are associate companies) participated in the CDP climate change related uestionnaire and public environmental data disclosure of for the 3rd consecutive year. CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, is a global disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts and for investors or purchasers to access environmental information for use in financial decisions. 

In 2018, 3,273 companies from around the world participated in the CDP program. DET was one of 23 companies in Thailand to submit the questionnaire in the CDP disclosure system which helps guide participants to achieve an effective organizational plan in mitigating the impact of climate change. The company participates in global climate initiatives and forums like the UN COP climate summit as part of its efforts to support the 2015 Paris Agreement policies that tackle global warming. 

DET 2018 environmental data disclosed in CDP

As a global corporate citizen, DET recognizes the tangible business benefits of disclosure and action, as it continues to take meaningful steps to address climate change, deforestation and water security. DET’s ongoing participation in the CDP demonstrates its unwavering commitment to the UN’s sustainable development goals, sustainability and its brand promise: Smarter. Greener. Together.