Delta receives NEC Partner of the Year 2018 Award in environmental category
Text by Corporate Communications 2019/02

Delta's long-term focus on climate change by enabling environmental protection and energy conservation have once again been recognized by customers. This week, NEC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NEC) awarded NEC Partner of the Year 2018 award in its new category of environmental to Delta in its annual supplier meeting in Tokyo, Japan. NEC recognized Delta’s contribution to reduce CO2 emissions from NEC’s supply chain by promoting environmental management with outstanding leadership acumen, increasing solar power generation year by year. Mr. Takashi Niino, President and CEO of NEC, presented the award to Yancey Hai, chairman of Delta Electronics. 

It is recognized Delta’s management team has been allocating great importance to climate change and environmental protection, independently setting energy conservation and carbon reduction targets, and proactively participating in energy conservation events. For instance, Delta is continuously nurturing the use of renewable energy and decentralized energy generation with its PV inverter and energy storage technologies. It has also adopted advanced sustainability methods, such as the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP), to enhance energy conservation and carbon reduction activities in its own operations. Moreover, Delta is actively expanding solar power generation in its major sites around the globe. In 2017, these systems produced a total of 14.3 million kWh of green electricity, which is equivalent to a reduction of 11,270 metric tons of CO2 emissions.

Delta’s chairman, Mr. Yancey Hai, said, “NEC is a long-term partner of Delta and a world-class company actively promoting environmental protection and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Japan and abroad. This prestigious honor from our steadfast customer recognizes Delta’s commitment to environmental protection and energy conservation, as well as our CSR best practices. Delta will continue to enable lower carbon emissions through superior energy efficiency by adhering to its corporate mission, “To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow”. By working side-by-side with stakeholders that, like NEC, share our same values, we will achieve together mankind’s goal of containing further global warming within 2°C.”

Fostering social value is a pillar of NEC’s long-term corporate sustainable growth strategy. Furthermore, NEC encourages suppliers to establish long-term SBTs and use renewable energy to move towards zero carbon emissions, while environmental performance surveys for key suppliers are conducted. The NEC Partner of the Year 2018 Environmental Category Award aims to strengthen dialogue and mutual cooperation between stakeholders, pursue sustainable development, and reduce the risks caused by climate change to the supply chain.

Mr. Takashi Niino, President and CEO of NEC (right), presented the "Partner of the Year 2018 Award in Environmental Category" to Mr. Yancey Hai, chairman of Delta Electronics