Delta at “Transition for breakthrough, the new blue ocean shift” masters forum
Text by Corporate Communicatios 2018/12

Delta CEO Ping Cheng and two international masters are invited to the forum to share about their experiences in company transitions

Delta CEO Ping Cheng was invited to the Masters Forum of “Transition for Breakthrough, the New Blue Ocean Shift” hosted by CommonWealth Magazine. Mr. Cheng was there to share the stage with Professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Maubogne of INSEAD (the Authors of “Blue Ocean Shift”), Professor Ji-Ren Lee (Department of International Business, National Taiwan University), and Joseph Huang (E.SUN Financial Holding Company CEO), and speak about the strategies and experiences of a corporation in a blue ocean shift. The forum had attracted a lively audience of over 1,000 professionals and managers.

Strategy masters Professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Maubogne, the authors of “Blue Ocean Strategy”, “Blue Ocean Shift”, and other best sellers, pointed out in the forum speeches that a company should move from the competitive strategic mindset of a red ocean market and shift to a value- and innovation-guided blue ocean strategy for developing new markets. The speakers also shared about many successful cases of companies applying a blue ocean strategy and summarized the methodology and steps for planning a blue ocean strategy.

Ping Cheng shared Delta's experience in its transition to innovation. After having the target of transition from key components to solutions confirmed, besides assessment on advantages, even more important are the ability to face company disadvantages, reinforcement of efforts and determination, and establishment of necessary management structure and functions. When an internal consensus is reached after communication, we should aim for the target market through organizational restructuring and gradually carry out transition strategies. During the talks, Professor Kim and Professor Maubogne praised about Delta’s successful transition and Mr. Cheng’s courage and determination as a leader of a large corporation directing its transition.

Professor Ji-Ren Lee of the Department of International Business, National Taiwan University, pointed out that the key to blue ocean strategy, the 3Ms representing Mindset, Methodology, and Management, echoed with the opinions of Mr. Cheng, Professor Kim, and Professor Maubogne. Professor Lee also encouraged managers in the audience to remain vigilant even in times of calm and continue to expand in the blue ocean.