2018 Tseng Hsu-pai Journalism Award cum “Delta Energy and Climate Special Award” results
Text by Corporate Communications 2018/12

The 44th Tseng Hsu-pai Journalism Award cum 2018 Delta energy and Climate Special Award ceremony was held on November 6th at Delta Sunshine International Conference Center, attended by Delta Electronics Foundation Chairman Bruce Cheng, Tseng Hsu-pai Journalism Award Foundation Chairman Zhang Rui-Chang, Central News Agency Chairman Liu Ka-shiang, the jury, professor Lin Lih-Yun from the Graduate Institute of Journalism, National Taiwan University, Homemakers United Foundation Chairman Lai Hsiao-fen, New Homeland Foundation Chairman Liao Chia-chan, International Federation of Journalists Executive Committee member Xu Jia-Zhang, etc. 

Delta Electronics Foundation Chairman Bruce Cheng presents Delta Energy and Climate Special Award in “Television Category” to Da Ai Television’s “Journey of Your Clothes” team

Delta Electronics Foundation Chairman Bruce Cheng congratulated the winners, and once again appealed that climate change is the biggest challenge faced by humans today. According to “Global Warming of 1.5°C” recently published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, compared to pre-industrial level, human activities have caused approximately 1.0°C increase in temperature. Following this trend, between 2030 and 2052, the increase in earth temperature will cross the 1.5°C line of defense. By then, human society may face serious environmental impacts such as melting glacier, vanishing coral reefs and water shortage. Taiwan, an island surrounded by sea, should deal with the issue of climate change more actively. To make the public aware of the urgency of climate change, we’d have to rely on the media to exert social influence.