Delta wins “CSR Award” for three consecutive years
Text by Corporate Communications 2018/10

CommonWealth Magazine released the results of “CSR Award” on August 29, and Delta has won the first prize in CSR Award for the third consecutive year since 2016. The judging panel emphasizes that Delta, which has been focusing and adhering to CSR, is devoted to “environmental protection, energy conservation, loving the earth” with the highest standards. It has also been proofing Taiwan enterprises’ determination and potential in attaining “sustainability” in the international arena. Delta’s founder and honorary chairman, Bruce Cheng, attended the ceremony, and Delta’s chief brand officer and executive director of Delta Electronics Foundation, Guo Shan-Shan, received the award. 

Delta Group’s founder and honorary chairman, Bruce Cheng, said that climate change has become a key global issue in recent years, with many cities gradually becoming unsuitable for habitation of human beings and living things due to severe air pollution and lack of water source. We cannot see the future of the originally agreed “Paris Agreement” due to the withdrawal of the major emitter. Delta continues to design innovative products over the years, actively develops energy efficient and low-carbon technologies, provides solutions to slow down total global greenhouse gas emission, and strives to control increase in global warming within 2℃. 

Chief brand officer of Delta Electronics and executive director of Delta Electronics Foundation, Ms. Shan-Shan Guo, said during the award ceremony that winning the CSR Award for three consecutive years is the result of the hard work of all staffs of Delta, and the most important person is Delta’s founder Mr. Bruce Cheng. With the global warming in recent years, there is a sharp climate change in the region. In the past, Taiwan architects could only rely on weather information for single location. However, from this year onwards, Delta Electronics Foundation cooperates with the Central Weather Bureau in launching Taiwan’s “building microclimate information platform, Green BIM”, providing architects with microclimate information for nearly thirty regions in Taiwan, so that they can incorporate microclimate factors during the design. As an international enterprise, Delta also establishes carbon reduction target – Science Based Targets (SBT) in 2017 to control increase in warming within 2℃ target and propose the reduction in carbon intensity by 56.6% in 2025. It is Taiwan’s first and world’s top 100 enterprises in proposing to implement SBTi compliance audit through science based targets, and it appeals to the world to control temperature increase to be within 2℃, which shows our determination in achieving this goal.

Delta wins “CSR Award” for three consecutive years. Founder and honorary chairman, Mr. Bruce Cheng (center), attended the ceremony, and chief brand officer and executive director of Delta Electronics Foundation, Ms. Shan-Shan Guo, received the award