Police Training Base chose Delta solutions for teaching multimedia system
Text by DGC 2018/06

Delta has recently announced its partnership with a largest domestic coal mining equipment enterprise to build a highly system-integrated and scalable data center infrastructure.

Based on overall plans and construction demands of the coal mining enterprise, Delta offers a micro Modular Data Center (MDC) series which aims to help industry users with quick deployment. For small data centers of less than 10 IT rack cabinets and 50 IT rack cabinets, a three-in-one system including an integrated power supply and monitoring system, a cabinet system, and a cooling system will be provided. It is easy and flexible for installation, smart and simple to manage, and it offers small data center users a great value for its cost, making it a highly applicable and perfect server room solution.

In terms of energy conservation, the MDC series uses the cabinets as carriers of the server room to satisfy the requirement for a safe equipment operation in the room environment. The air flow control system effectively isolates the mixture of hot and cold air without the need for additional air conditioning costs, which significantly reduces the power bill from uninterrupted operations.

The MDC series data center is also equipped with a mobile APP smart management mode. The APP saves enterprise IT management the need for a guard deployed at the server room. It provides the system operation information to the maintenance personnel at any time, which reduces some of the burden of maintenance work, secures the system, and protects the reliability of the corporate R&D and design data.