Application of dispensing glue on the laptop casing by Delta SCARA industrial robot
Text by DGC 2018/06

The 3C industry, represented by smartphones, has been rapidly growing in recent years. As production continues to expand, consumers are upgrading their devices at a faster rate. During the manufacturing process of 3C products, the numerous parts of the casing of laptops and smartphones require AB glue to assemble. 

Delta SCARA industrial robot

Every product has its fixed, respective gluing patterns. The Delta SCARA industrial robot is capable of performing point to point applications. It is also capable of bearing the weight of the glue dispenser, while executing auto material loading and unloading, making it suitable for glue application.

To use the Delta SCARA industrial robot DRS series to control glue application, the motion programming will be written according to the glue patterns, for example, through the lowering position accuracy, utilizing MAXROUGH precision, terminal speed change of the short dogleg robot can be minimized, and glue distribution becomes more uniform. The program will be based on the speed of long segments and short doglegs respectively. Speed will be increased during longer segments and decreased during shorter doglegs to improve glue distribution. Through the introduction of simultaneous multi-task execution, the robot inspection efficiency of the start signal will be increased to conform to client usage habits.

In the past, glue application required the manual loading and unloading of materials. The Delta SCARA robotic arm is equipped with a suction cup that allows for automatic loading and unloading, further increasing efficiency. Software development for the Delta SCARA industrial robot is simple. It is capable of storing several programs for different products, achieving multiple functions on a single line. It also features stable operation, making it very suitable for broad applications in the industry.