Police Training Base chose Delta solutions for teaching multimedia system
Text by DGC 2018/06

Recently, a police training base uses Delta’s large-screen display system to create a new form of multimedia system and functional cloud-based desktop teaching system, further strengthening responsiveness of police force in major emergencies. 

Delta’s 4th generation light source DLP display unit.

Delta has developed a 70-inch 3 rows×5 columns laser-based DLP single-screen display targeting application requirements for the police training base. As the base’s multimedia system and functional desktop cloud system need to cater for displaying and switching between various types of complicated systems, the large-screen display system requires high brightness and true color to satisfy the requirements in real-time and flexible display, seamless optical stitching, and convenient subsequent maintenance. Hence, they selected laser DLP system for a better quality of display. 

In the project, Delta’s 4th generation light source DLP display unit uses the latest pure laser light source technology, array redundancy laser module design, and Delta’s self-developed fluorescent color wheel to provide ultra-high brightness far beyond LED light source, high contrast, and high uniformity. Its more than 120% of EBU wide color gamut provides excellent true color display. The projection core for the DLP display unit adopts a dual-CPU design, one for controlling communication, color adjustment, and optical detection, while the other for image processing ensures stable operation of the optical engine, effectively guaranteeing speed and quality of image processing. For light source, it uses fluorescent color wheel and unique highly-efficient vacuum heat pipe cooling technology, increases brightness and life for the light source, and achieves digitized frame-by-frame brightness adjustment. With a wider range for brightness control and constant color temperature, it can better ensure brightness and color uniformity for the entire screen. 

The laser DLP display unit features a light source life of 60,000-80,000 hours, saving huge subsequent maintenance cost. The projector core’s embedded automatic brightness and color balance adjustment system allows real-time detection of light source intensity and color, and it automatically controls and adjusts the brightness and color of all projector cores, effectively preventing drift in brightness and color. Color Sensor is used at the internal of the projector core for automatic color temperature compensation, providing a maximum guarantee for the entire display wall image with uniform color and brightness over a long period of operation.