Delta encourages cross-domain learning and empowers international perspectives to nurture global talents
Text by HR Division 2023/10
Delta's core strategy has shifted to a solution-oriented sales approach. Hence, the organization will realign its focus and vertically integrate into an industry- and customer-centric business platform, and each region will also develop a corresponding global business talent training structure in line with this strategic direction.

Focus for global talent development
Delta's commitment to the employee development of global leaders, professionals, and business talents focuses on leadership, professionalism, supervisor resilience and digital workforce at different levels in terms of leadership training. Delta promoted the planning of courses and learning resources in six regions around the world according to these three frameworks, so as to continuously drive the teaching and sharing goals of leaders at all levels. In terms of professional competence, there are currently 12 grades, each of which involves conducting a series of professional training through the establishment of a global grade committee. In particular, the general knowledge category focuses on four major topics of problem analysis and resolution, presentation skills, project management, and application of digital concepts and tools. In terms of business capabilities, to bring the industry- and customer-centric business platform to fruition, among the 12 grades, business marketing talents are the key targets whom Delta is channeling nurturing efforts towards. Hence business capabilities being one of the key nurturing priorities.

Presentation skills is a general knowledge course for all talent grades, and this picture was taken during the 2023 Presentation Skills Course for sales grade employees in Japan, where the instructor recorded each colleague's presentation and did an instant replay after the presentation to offer immediate feedback.

Nurture global business marketing talent
In order to help the Company's business marketing colleagues to adopt a consistent communication tone and convey the core value of Delta's services to customers, the Global Business Marketing Grade Committee was officially established in 2022. More than 40 senior executives, business representatives and HR partners from various regions were invited to serve as grade regional representatives to discuss the Global Business Marketing Grade Training Map based on the Company's strategy and the capabilities required by different positions and ranks. The committee regularly produces online courses in Chinese and English every year and hold cross-regional online knowledge sharing and exchange activities to assist sales and marketing colleagues at different levels to learn the required basic and advanced skills. For example, for 11 e-lessons on consultative sales, branding and sales processes among other topics, the internal Document Management System (DMS) optimizes the intelligent search function to effectively assist employees in quickly retrieving key information and management documents from Sales Enablement community data.

Following the past and heralding the future, facilitating cross-domain communication
In addition to a series of planning for business marketing grade, Delta arranges sharing sessions from time to time. Key Account Management is an important part of the business marketing grade training blueprint. Therefore, Delta Japan invited Sanjeev Srivastava, Key Account Manager of CSBDA from India, to hold a Key Account Management Workshop in Japan in August this year. During the workshop, participants found that even in different overseas markets around the world, Delta colleagues face similar difficulties in business expansion. With that backdrop, participants from different business units proposed benchmark enterprise targets and analyzed and discussed them using KAM-related theoretical frameworks. Through cross-organizational and cross-country learning and exchange, sparks were ignited, and many possibilities for cross-unit collaboration were also discovered. The workshop concluded with the course instructor sharing Seth Godin's famous words - “People do not buy goods and services. They buy relationships, stories and magic,” to drive home the message that maintaining customer relationships is imperative in business sales. Although markets around the world where Delta is present in have different business and cultural backgrounds, the KAM analytical framework can be applied globally, and through this workshop, Delta's colleagues in Japan can understand the situation in the Indian market.

The lecturer of the Key Account Management Workshop began with an analogy of Key Account Manager being the conductor of an orchestra, so that colleagues are aware of the importance in the role they play.

Kengo Hua, NEA Region Head, shared business insights with new colleagues.

Delta has offices all over the world, and the business exchange of talents from various countries will become increasingly frequent. Therefore, language and cross-cultural communication courses will continue to be promoted, and every year Delta will refine talent nurturing policies based on market strategies, taking reference from external learning resources to ceaselessly improve online or offline learning resources, enabling talents of different grades to receive holistic training. In order to stay ahead of the global market and respond quickly to external changes, business capabilities will continue to be a key competency of the global talent development policy. Moving forward, Delta will continue to optimize its internal online knowledge platform, the information on the learning platform, and hold more cross-domain courses, with an eye towards providing employees around the world with the timeliest learning resources in their respective grades and positions and develop a more robust talent nurturing system.

In 2023, a media communication workshop was held, inviting Delta spokespersons from India, Northeast Asia, and Southeast Asia to participate, and a journalist visit exercise was meticulously planned so that participants can understand the points to take note of and skills needed for responding to the media.