AIoT video surveillance upgrades medical environmental security protection
Text by BABG 2020/12

According to Frost & Sullivan, the IoMT is expected to reach $72 billion by 2021. The IoMT already plays a vital role in transforming the healthcare industry and will clearly continue to do so. Going beyond traditional surveillance, in the era of IoT IP surveillance systems have implemented Artificial Intelligence (AI) and been transformed by powerful edge-computing devices. VIVOTEK offers a Crowd Control Solution for businesses to maintain maximum occupancy as well as a safer and healthier environment. Its 3D stereo counting camera designed with dual lens provides precise tracking and a counting accuracy up to 98%, making it ideally suited for hospital entrances, operation rooms and restricted areas.

AIoT video surveillance upgrades medical environmental security protection

AIoT has transformed network and information technology in Smart Healthcare, but its rapid rise has made it a target for cyber-attacks. There is also an increasing number of cyber-attacks involving healthcare extortion and stolen medical records. Medical professionals are able to access databases and medical records in a very short time, however, such highly connected devices and data increase the need for cybersecurity. Highly attune to such developments, VIVOTEK’s network cameras and video recorders are embedded with Trend Micro’s anti-intrusion software with multi-layer protection allowing security managers to respond faster to threats and minimize cyber-risks in smart healthcare.