Delta presents smart manufacturing & IoT solution at IIFES 2019 in Japan
Text by IABG 2020/02

Delta has attended the Innovative Industry Fair for E x E Solutions (IIFES) 2019 from 27th ~ 29th November in Japan, and showcased various industrial automation products, advanced equipment, and solutions for smart manufacturing. Delta’s exhibits included: the Smart Manufacturing & IoT Solution with the Equipment IoT Platform DIALink to collect machine operation data and the DIAMMP Manufacturing Management Platform for data analysis, visualization & management; advanced equipment such as the new Six-sided Inspection Machine and Industrial CT Scanner for inspections of various components and workpieces in optics, electronics, the medical industry, and more; as well as the Compact Vector Control Drive M300 Series family of focused automation components with an extension model for fan & pump control applications. 

Delta, with its abundant range of industrial automation products and advanced solutions for smart & green manufacturing, earned the attention of around 250 visitors during the 3-day fair. Delta also exhibited its advanced HMI DOP-100 Series, High Frequency Drive C2000-HS Series for high speed fluid systems, AC Servo Drive ASDA-A3/B3 Series, and elevator drive to meet the needs of machine making industries in Japan. Delta’s products and solutions earned the attention of many potential customers and partners at the show, building greater brand awareness for Delta in Japan.

Delta attended the IIFES 2019 in Japan, and showcased various industrial automation products, advanced equipment, and solutions for smart manufacturing