Delta Foundation shares water conservation practice and education in COP25
Text by Delta Foundation 2020/02

Delta Foundation has been participating in UN Climate Change Conference (COP) over the years, and 2019 marks its 13th executive year of participation. During the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP25) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held on December 2nd in Madrid, Spain, Delta Foundation held a side event in the UN Negotiations zone, responding to the scientific report on climate change published by “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)”, which targets on ocean, polar regions and water resources. CEO of Delta Foundation, Wim Chang, shared with the international communities on how to respond to the water issues of climate crisis, through Delta’s experience in implementing water saving and promoting water resource protection. Other speakers include Anaíd Velasco, the Mexican Centre for Environmental Law, Susana Velez Haller, Senior Consultant at South Pole, an environmental consultancy company, and Chen Jui-Wen, Chairman of Taiwan Ecological Engineering Development Foundation. The event received great response from dozens of decision makers at the side event, who are concerned about water resources issues.

Wim said during the side event, that the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) published by IPCC points out that humans are facing serious situations such as ocean heat wave, acidification, reduction of dissolved oxygen, diminishing catch and coral extinction. Many experts even believe that a state of climate emergency has arrived. Delta has always been trying to raise public awareness on this topic, taking actions such as delegating Japan NHK Enterprises in producing the world’s first 8K Ultra HD environmental documentary, “Water with Life in Taiwan”, to let the public better understand warming trend through video, teaching and exhibitions, and convey the importance of water resources. Also, it has set ambition water-saving targets for companies within the Group, and has made an external commitment to reducing water use intensity by 30% before 2020, with 2015 as the base year. With the execution of 111 water saving projects in 2018, the water use intensity of the main plants has reduced by 19.8% compared to 2015, showing quite impressive results. 

Facing the grim challenges of global climate change, Delta assumes the responsibilities of a world-class corporate citizen through concrete actions by actively participating in international carbon reduction initiative. It shares its experiences in the water resources project with the United Nations domain and climate communities, so that the public can understand the connection between water and electricity. Delta not only values energy efficiency, but also hopes to play a role in water resource issues.

CEO of Delta Foundation, Wim Chang, shared in COP25 side event, Delta’s experience in implementing water conservation and promoting water resources protection