Delta “IoT-based Smart Green Solutions to Nurture Energy Efficiency in Cities” comes to Wuhan
Text by DGC 2019/12

On 25 October, Delta held its brand campaign “IoT-based Smart Green Solutions” at the “Intelligent Manufacturing and Smart Park Collaborative Development Conference”, incorporating all of its IoT-based smart green solutions under the theme “IoT intelligence” and introducing it to the smart park. In the campaign, Delta demonstrated its technical competence in areas such as smart green factories, smart green building, big data visualization, green datacenter, etc. At the same time, Delta’s “smart green manufacturing roadshow truck” drove into Wuhan Hannan District, providing inspiration and solutions to over 150 participants from industrial parks, industrial manufacturers, vendors providing digitalized solutions and higher education research institutions. The roadshow truck has traveled across 66 cities covering 17,312 kilometers. And more than 7,000 visitors visited the exhibition since its launch in June this year.

Delta’s Chief Brand Officer, Ms. Shan-Shan Guo, stated that Wuhan is one of the major cities in the economic areas of the Yangtze River Basin, which features high-quality technology innovation centers and is considered “China Optics Valley”. It is also one of the four major cities for science education and has nurtured considerable tech talents. Innovation is one of Delta’s core values as well. To improve the energy conversion efficiency of our electronic products and provide energy efficient and environmentally friendly products and solutions to our customers, 7%-8% of the revenue is invested in research and development of technology each year.

In recent years, Delta provided comprehensive green solutions for smart city through cross-department collaboration and technical innovations were developed in smart green manufacturing, green building, eco-friendly transportation and energy-saving communication technologies, etc. In the opening of the 7th CISM Military World Games, laser projections made by the associate company of Delta, Digital Projection, are used to display magnificent lights and shadow to audiences from around the globe.

Delta held “IoT-based Smart Green Solutions to Nurture Energy Efficiency in Cities” campaign at the “Intelligent Manufacturing and Smart Park Collaborative Development Conference”, introducing its IoT-based smart green solutions to the customers