2018 Delta Talk
Text by Human Resource Department 2019/02

The three speakers with senior managers

“Refinement, conciseness, value promulgation.” In order to convey the leadership’s ideas to our colleagues, and to communicate the direction and strategies of organizational transformation, the HR Department invited the CEO Mr. Ping Cheng, COO Mr. Simon Chang, and CBO Ms. Shan-Shan Guo as speakers of the 2018 Delta Talk. In their succinct talks, the three speakers illustrated Delta’s vision of transforming into a solution business, and analyzed swiftly and clearly the corporation’s path forward. The talks were filmed and will be distributed in multiple languages to Delta’s global offices in order to foster mutual internal communication and transformation thinking.

This was the second Delta Talk since 2016. Many senior managers were live attendees, among whom the founder Bruce Cheng, business managers, functional managers, and operational staff. The fact that all available seats were signed up within five minutes further indicates the internal attraction and acclaim this event has garnered. According to the results of the 2018 Global Employee Engagement Survey, senior managers’ proactive communication and sharing in various forms in the past two years have resulted in improved scores in the “effectiveness of senior leadership” and “understanding company’s future direction” categories; Delta Talk indeed strengthens colleagues’ understanding of the company's strategic direction.

During the talks, the three speakers shared not only their wisdom on management, but lively examples and touching stories. The online premiere time of Delta Talk videos will be announced. Stay tuned!