Delta BA team casts its glamour at Blossom Pavilion of Taichung World Flora Exposition
Text by BABG 2019/02

Delta building automation project executing team carried out the lamp installation, detailed light adjustment and computer programming of lighting atmosphere to perfectly display the elegant image of slow-flowing light and shadow of the designed curved exterior wall

Taichung World Flora Exposition opened grandly at the end of last year. In Houli Expo Site, the Blossom Pavilion is the most essential and beautiful exhibition hall. Delta building automation project executing team is in charge of the Pavilion’s lamp installation, detailed light adjustment and computer programming of lighting atmosphere, allowing the designed curved exterior wall to perfectly display the elegant image of slow-flowing light and shadow.

Blossom Pavilion is a permanent exhibition hall with a breakthrough in architecture. The curved exterior wall is a huge design challenge. Its shape resembles Phalaenopsis or a “dancing girl.” When the lighting design of “Blossom Pavilion” was tested, it showed varying lighting feels and atmospheres from the evening to the night, attracting numerous people to feast their eyes on a fine spectacle before others. This beautiful lighting show was carried out by Delta building automation project executing team who overcame all kinds of difficulties to install 560 LED lamps with detailed adjustments within three months, displaying the flowing light and shadow interplay required by the designer with the refined variations of brightness and darkness. The Delta project team who was in charge of the exterior wall lamp installation recalled that the most challenging task came from the circular metal curtain grille of the exterior wall, because it is easy to refract or reflect the bright points when adjusting the light. The staff had to adjust lamps one by one in order to achieve the breeze-like flowing effect that the designer demanded.

The light and shadow projections of the Blossom Pavilion change with the grilles covering these two spheres to show dynamic curved 3D lighting. Two spherical exhibition venues form the symbol of infinity, with the left side being white and the right side gold to represent the endless and perpetual cycle of life and nature. Colleagues can go to Taichung to appreciate the results of the efforts of Delta's building automation project executing team. You will see how the elegant image of the wind blowing petals can be created by slow-flowing light formed by the light projected on the big and small spherical external grilles that play with the indoor light in the nighttime Blossom Pavilion.