Delta awards “The Most Influential Enterprise of the Year”
Text by DGC 2019/02

 “The third Southern Weekly Annual Ceremony” was held in Beijing. This event’s topic is “Change and Chance", and aims to build a platform to exchange ideas. Upholding the principle of “eco-friendly and energy-efficient” green development, in recent years Delta has been actively investing in fields such as automation and infrastructures to create products and solutions related to intelligent buildings and electric vehicles. Furthermore, Delta echoes the global initiative, EV100, to accelerate the transition to electric vehicles and has become the world’s first member to provide energy infrastructure for electric vehicles. As a pioneer in its industry, Delta leads a green wave and has actively contributed to the progress of the industry. Therefore, Delta was awarded 2018 “The Most Influential Enterprise of the Year.” 

Delta’s spokesperson, Mr. Jesse Chou, received the award on behalf of Delta and spoke on “Delta’s green influence”

Delta’s spokesperson and Assistant Vice President of the Corporate Sustainable Development, Mr. Jesse Chou, received the award on behalf of Delta and was invited to give a talk on “Delta’s green influence.” He pointed out that Delta, as a citizen enterprise, has long paid great attention to climate change, actively participated in international energy-saving initiatives and activities, and taken initiatives in reducing carbon emissions. Delta implements energy-saving programs in its own factories, buildings and data centers to reduce the electricity intensity. Furthermore, Delta set its Science Based Targets (SBT) to reduce carbon emissions in 2017, which aim to reduce its carbon intensity by 56.6% in 2025. Delta becomes the first in both China and Taiwan and the 87th enterprise in the world to comply with standards set by the Science Based Targets initiative, setting an example for the industry. In addition, Delta, as a pioneer in promoting green buildings, has been building environmentally-friendly plants and offices and donating to green schools since 2006. Delta has 27 green buildings world-wide today and shares its experiences of energy-saving buildings with the public in a “considerate” manner to contribute to the ideal of building low-carbon emission cities.