Delta wins “2017-2018 The Most Respected Companies of China” award
Text by DGC 2019/02

Delta won “2017-2018 The Most Respected Companies of China” award in the “2017-2018 Annual Observer’s Convention and Awards Ceremony for the Most Respected Companies of China Awards” held by the Economic Observer.

Delta’s spokesperson, Mr. Jesse Chou shared Delta’s experience by talking about “Green enterprise, sustainable developments”

Delta’s spokesperson and Assistant Vice President of corporate sustainable development, Mr. Jesse Chou, received the award on behalf of Delta and shared Delta’s experience by talking about “Green enterprise, sustainable developments.” He pointed out that Delta believed in becoming a sustainable enterprise. Only by valuing the corporate social responsibilities as it is pursuing growth in revenue can Delta achieve long-term stability. Delta plays its part as a world-class citizen enterprise by actively participating in international carbon reduction initiatives. Delta has been taking part in the UN Climate Change Conference for the 12 years. Furthermore, this year, Delta invited internationally prestigious think tanks to hold Sustainable Innovation Forum (SIF), an official side event of COP 24 (Poland) to exchange views with leaders around the globe on how innovative technologies can bring sustainable development. In response to the self-regulating initiative of the “We Mean Business coalition,” Delta took the lead in setting its science based targets (SBT) to reduce carbon emissions, which aim to reduce the carbon intensity by 56.6% by 2025. Delta has met the standards set by the Science Based Targets initiative, becoming the first in both China and Taiwan and the 87th enterprise in the world.