Delta laser DLP creates an information platform for comprehensive management of public security
Text by DGC 2018/12

Recently, DLP large screen display system provided by Delta was successfully applied to the Comprehensive Management Center in a city in Sichuan. Through use of advanced fourth-generation light source (laser) DLP display wall, Delta designed a single-screen laser DLP display wall that is 70” in 5 rows and 6 columns in order to meet the application need of the Comprehensive Management Center. The screen is 9.3 meters wide, 4.4 meters high and has a total area of 40.5 m2. It effectively integrates information sub-systems in the center, forms an interconnection and presents a comprehensive display.

Delta Laser DLP Created an Information Platform for Comprehensive Management of Public Security

As the comprehensive management center monitors and supervises social security comprehensively and connects to the systems of its superiors and subordinates simultaneously, the screen display system requires high brightness and real color presentation. Therefore, Delta laser SLP system was chosen to present a better display effect. The fourth-generation light source (laser) DLP display unit in the project adopted the latest pure laser light source technology. The design of redundant array laser modules and Delta’s fluorescent color wheel provides ultra-high brightness, high contrast and high uniformity compared to LED light. It has reached an ultra-wide color range higher than 120% EBU, providing outstanding real color production.

The laser DLP large screen display system has put into operation in the comprehensive management center of the city. Delta solutions contributed to the smart city construction through making a better use of big data to promote the traceability, visualization and performance management of the comprehensive management information system.