Delta Media Salon Excerpts from IPCC special report “Global Warming of 1.5 °C”
Text by Corporate Communications 2018/12

Recently, an IPCC Special Report “Global Warming of 1.5 °C”, acclaimed as the most important climate science report after the Paris Agreement, was issued in Songdo, Korea on October 8, 2018. Supported by scientific evidence, the report illustrates the environmental impact and biological system changes that our society and environment may encounter when ground surface temperature is averagely 1.5 °C higher than that prior to the industrial revolution, and our corresponding actions that must be taken. Delta Electronics Foundation planned a Media Salon for Taiwan society to possess the latest climate information and scientific evidence in time. The salon attracted nearly 50 opinion leaders from media, research communities and enterprises to watch live broadcast together and heatedly exchange opinions. 

Yvonne Chan, special correspondent from Delta Electronics Foundation, is the sole Taiwan delegate in the IPCC Conference in Songdo, Korea, who shared the conference highlights live across the sea

Jesse Chou, Delta spokesman and Assistant Vice President for sustainable development, responded to the trend in the report by expounding the detailed carbon cut efforts of Delta. In 2017, Delta submitted its SBT to cut carbon emissions scientifically. The carbon emission will be decreased by 65.5% in 2025 when compared to 2010, which is in line with the carbon reduction path as mentioned in the IPCC Special report. In the report, industrial sectors are required to reduce 75-90% carbon emission by 2050 compared to 2010. In terms of popularizing electric vehicles, Delta not only provides key components and charging equipment for electric vehicles, but also became the first enterprise in the technology industry to join EV100 last month.