Delta promoted upgrades to smart manufacturing by showcasing its robot series in World Robot Conference 2018
Text by DGC 2018/10

Delta showcased its robotic products and solutions at World Robot Conference 2018

Delta showcased its three robotic production lines in World Robot Conference 2018, incorporating various types of Delta’s software and hardware industrial automation products. Visitors can place orders on spot for precision gifts to be produced by the smart manufacturing demonstration line immediately. Other exhibits included the DRV90L Series vertical multi-joint robot, which features high performance and quality, and DRS60H Series ceiling-mounted robot with significant space efficiency, etc.

“The most important thing about industrial robots in the smart manufacturing era is to have perception of timeliness and be able to operate flexibly, which are what Delta industrial robots are striving to improve.” Robot Product Department manager of DGC, Jimmy Jiang, said, “Delta incorporates its years of experience in the intensive industry, together with its professional controller, machine vision and software, etc., in building competitive robotic solutions to satisfy application requirements such as fast implementation, quick changeover, and quick maintenance for customers from different industries. They can seamlessly integrate with master management system and help customers in implementing smart management, attaining smart manufacturing upgrade.”

During the conference, Delta demonstrated innovative robotic products and solutions, including smart manufacturing demonstration line, Delta’s DRS60H ceiling-mounted robot series, DRV90L Series vertical multi-joint robot, and DRS40L/60 Series horizontal multi-joint robot.