Excellent universities from China, Taiwan, India and Thailand participated in the 5th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest
Text by IABG 2018/08

The 5th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest has just been held at Delta’s Wujiang Plant in Jiangsu, China, from July 23-26. After two days of fierce competition, the winners of the “Special Award”, the highest honor, went to: Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Team Magic Control” (China) which built an Intelligent Container Terminal Logistics System. Aside from the Special Awards, the First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize and Editor’s Awards were also presented among the other 72 teams at the award ceremony on July 26.(Please go to for detailed information.)

“Seeking Smart Manufacturing Talents” - The 5thDelta Advanced Automation Design Contest in Wujiang, China

At the ceremony, Mr. Bruce Cheng, the founder and Honorary Chairman of Delta Electronics, Inc. said, “Automation plays a key role in helping industry’s transformation to smart manufacturing. The Delta Cup Advanced Automation Design Contest has come to its 5th anniversary, as it actively builds a platform for teachers and students from both domestic and overseas schools to share their teaching and technology experiences. We hope that students of automation will enhance their skills and creativity through acquiring new knowledge and exploring their individual visions, and ultimately help the trend of industrial transformation.”

Shao Yuan Lee, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association of Automation, also said at the opening ceremony, “Today the manufacturing industry is facing a rapid change as traditional production and operations suffer a great impact. To echo this change, Industry 4.0, China 2025, and many American advanced manufacturing industries will continue to lead the Chinese manufacturing industries to transform and head toward smart manufacturing as technical professionals play a key role. We have found many innovative and applicable concepts through the Delta Cup event. Participating students also gain a lot by enhancing their skills for job positions in the future, becoming the smart manufacturing talents that will transform the industry.”

During the 4-day final contest, contestants needed to pass two stages including a team competition and a championship contest followed by a proposal introduction, a demo kit display, and a Q&A session directly with the judges. At the team competition, all 76 contestants presented their ideas and demonstrated their demo kits’ functions and features to all the judges. Finally, after thorough review, 15 teams out of the 76 were chosen to compete in the championship contest, where they conducted a project presentation, an on-site demo, and a Q&A session.

The team from National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology adopted both Delta’s SCARA and Vertical Articulated Robots to build the solution of a unmanned robot workstation, achieving an optimized process of high-precision manufacturing

Shanghai Jiao Tong University “Team Magic Control” and Xiamen University “Team Gemini” win the championship of the 5th Delta Advanced Automation Design Contest, and receive the prizes on stage at the luncheon ceremony