Delta MOOCx Platform teaches high school students Math
Text by Corporate Communications 2018/06

The Delta Foundation and Ministry of Education's Ordinary Senior High School Curriculum Math Resource Center collaborated on the filming of "Junior High School Math Course", which is already available for free on DeltaMOOCx online course website and the YouTube channel Delta MOOCx. It offers a quick boost in math skills for 230,000 junior high students who will be taking the exam in May. On May 3, Bruce Cheng (Chairperson of the Delta Foundation), Kuo Kung-Bin (Vice President of the National Academy for Educational Research), TP Perng (Delta MOOCx Project Leader), and Tseng Cheng-Ching (MOOC Instructors Convener of the Ordinary Senior High School Curriculum Math Resource Center and a teacher at the Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School) jointly attended the charity online press conference to discuss about the features of this project and its future outlook. 

Bruce Cheng, Delta founder and Chairperson of the Delta Foundation, indicated: I was not interested in math at one point in my youth, but I was fortunate to have many teachers who have inspired me. I agree whole-heartedly with the philosophy of the teachers at the Math Center and I think I am in a place to be able to help more students, which is why I have invited the best teachers to be filmed for courses that are available for students to learn and repeatedly review online. I believe the guidance of a good teacher and these junior and senior high school math courses will leave a much greater influence on the students than just one exam.

Tseng Cheng-Ching, a teacher at the Jianguo High School who was in charge of the filming, indicated that the teachers involved in the filming and planning processes are all members of the Evaluation R&D Group at the Math Center and the Junior & Senior High School Math Program Committee. They have extensive experience in the series research and understand the pain points of student learning. The junior high school math courses videos on DeltaMOOCx will definitely help students learn with more efficiency.

TP Perng, DeltaMOOCx Project Leader and Professor at National Tsing Hua University, concluded that DeltaMOOCx offers more than math courses, but of all the great teachers who have participated in the online course filming, the Math Center group was the most proactive team. Delta has currently attracted over 2 million views. Its influence is thousands times and more than when a good teacher reaches several hundred students in one year, so that more students can benefit.

Bruce Cheng (center, Delta founder and Chairperson of the Delta Foundation), Perng Tsong-Pyng (3rd from the right, DeltaMOOCx Project Leader), Kuo Kung-bin, (3rd from the left, Vice President of the National Academy for Educational Research), and Tseng Cheng-Ching (Teacher at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School) jointly attend the charity online press conference for the release of the junior high school math course on the DeltaMOOCx online course platform.