Delta wins two awards in motion control for outstanding market performance in 2017
Text by DGC 2018/04

The 2018 Smart Manufacturing & China Motion Control Industry Development Summit was held in Hangzhou on January 12. Delta won two major awards in the field of motion control due to its outstanding achievements in 2017: One is "CMCD 2017 Most Influential Enterprise in the Motion Control Field", presented to Delta, and the other is "CMCD 2017 Business Management Award", presented to Li Wen-Jian, Director of the Delta Motion Control Product Development Division. Both awards demonstrated Delta's strong brand competitiveness in the motion control field.

Delta wins two awards in motion control field for outstanding market performance in 2017

As the leader of pioneering the motion control business in Mainland China, Li Wen-Jian (Director of the Delta Motion Control Product Development Division) has guided his team to continuously produced motion control solutions which closely match customer demands. In 2017, Delta experienced rapid market growth with its servo drives and motors market share held steady among the top 3 in the market.

Apart from making great achievements in the CNC field and the 3C product processing field, Delta also expanded new businesses such as woodwork in 2017. Recently, Delta released its wood drilling solution that combines the ASDA-M Series 3-axis motion control AC servo system, human machine interface (HMI), and servo motors. The solution was successfully implemented to a domestic woodwork processing factory’s sealing and drilling machines. It has a drill precision of ±0.15mm, and a high drill speed of one 14-meter long wooden board per minute, which helps the customer improve the overall equipment processing efficiency and quality.