Delta micro modular datacenter solution provides a reliable platform for smart campuses
Text by DGC 2018/02

Delta announced its partnership with Xianhua Experimental School in Jinzhai County to create a data center infrastructure solution that features high level of system integration and excellent scalability. By providing a reliable platform, it satisfies requirements for operation such as multimedia teaching, campus service, campus management, comprehensive security, campus announcement system, etc.

Catering to the school's overall planning and construction requirements, Delta offered users its MDC Micro Modular data center that can be quickly deployed to small-size server rooms, integrating the power supply with the consolidated monitoring system, cabinet system, and cooling system to offer users a solution with high cost effectiveness.

In area of energy-saving, the series uses the cabinet as a carrier of the server room to form an environment that fulfills safe operation of the equipment. The air flow inhibition system can effectively isolate mingling of hot and cold air, significantly saving spending on electricity.

Meanwhile, the micro module datacenter features mobile-App-based smart management mode, through which logistics personnel can learn about system operation at any time anywhere to reduce complexity in work. The cabinet also features door guarding as a standard feature which also safeguarded reliability of important data such as multimedia teaching materials for the school and campus security recordings.

Delta Micro Modular Datacenter Solution