Delta invited to share its experience with a sustainable city in CWEF
Text by BMO 2018/02

Delta CBO and foundation CEO Guo Shan-Shan attended the "Opportunities and Challenges of Growing Asian Cities" forum held during the 2018 CommonWealth Economic Forum (CWEF) by invitation. Guo shared how sustainable cities are built with new technologies and the Delta experience with more than 500 industry elites and opinion leaders under the topic "Innovative Technology for Sustainable Cities".

Guo indicated that cities are clusters of "buildings, transportation, and people". A city dweller is either active in a building or on a way to a building. Therefore, the two keys to global carbon reduction are buildings and transportation. Delta's mission is "To provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow", to apply core technology in energy management, and create efficient power-conservation solutions used widely in every aspect of the life of city dwellers. Take the living circle in a day for example: In the office building, Delta provides power-saving air conditioning, lighting, elevators, and other systems, which are managed through integrated building automation solutions. On the roads, Delta provides electric vehicle charging solutions, light-weight air conditioning for electric buses, and power-saving smart LED street lights. In the home living, Delta provides air exchange systems, air quality solutions, and power storage systems.

Delta CBO and foundation CEO Guo Shan-Shan invited to the "Opportunities and Challenges of Growing Asian Cities" forum to share about Delta's experience in creating sustainable cities

The on-stage discussions between CBO Guo Shan-Shan, Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-Tsan, Chunghwa Telecom President Hsieh Chi-Mau, AECOM's Asia- Pacific Region President Qiao Quan-Sheng, and other experts were met with enthusiastic response and engaging questions from the audience. Guo Shan-Shan added that Delta hopes to bring positive influence on policies such as the movement to include elevator power conservation into the energy conservation manual. Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-Tsan commended the remote control function of Delta's smart streetlights, which offered convenience for the city government and saved operation costs.

On-stage discussions between Guo Shan-Shan (left 1), Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-Tsan, AECOM's Asia Pacific Region President Qiao Quan-Sheng, and other experts