Delta Thailand is honored in inaugural Fortune Asia Future 30
Text by DET 2024/06

Delta Thailand has been selected for the inaugural Fortune Asia Future 30 list recently. This recognition demonstrates Delta’s outstanding performance and innovation in future trends shaping the global market. Developed in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the Fortune Asia Future 30 is a list of thirty companies from the Asia Pacific region identified as innovators built for growth. Companies in Fortune’s Asia Future 30 have significantly outperformed their peers in revenue growth over the past three years. Fortune identified Delta Thailand as driving two of the group’s most promising segments, data centers and electric vehicles (EVs), and as Thailand’s most valuable company at the time of assessment.

To identify the Asia Future 30, the BCG Henderson Institute examined around 700 publicly traded companies across the APAC region with at least $10 billion in market value at year-end 2022, or $10 billion in revenue through 2022. Companies were assessed on their market potential—defined as expected future growth as determined by financial markets. Another consideration was each company’s capacity to deliver against this potential based on 19 factors. These fall into four categories: Strategy, Technology and Investments, People and Structure.

Attending the award ceremony at the Fortune Innovation Forum, Mr. Jackie Chang, Delta Thailand President and COO, said, “Delta prioritizes innovation and as a global group we typically invest almost 8% of our annual revenues in R&D. Our inclusion in the Fortune Asia Future 30 is yet another milestone in Delta’s 35 years of growth in Thailand where we have produced EV power electronics products for global customers for over a decade. We are now investing significantly in local R&D and production operations to meet growing demand. Besides EVs, we leverage our best-in-class power electronics R&D to further drive development in AI server power, thermal solutions, data center and telecom power and smart energy solutions.”
Mr. Jackie Chang, President and COO of Delta Thailand, attended the award ceremony on behalf of the company.