Delta presents “Smarter Buildings, Smarter Cities” at AHR 2023
Text by DAL 2023/03

Delta Electronics attended AHR 2023, the world’s largest HVACR marketplace, in Atlanta, Georgia, on February 6 – 8th. With the event boasting nearly 500,000 square feet of exhibit space for 1,779 exhibitors and approximately 43,000 attendees, Delta’s unique simulated cityscape booth garnered significant interest, showcasing its vision for the future with the slogan: “Smarter Buildings, Smarter Cities”. Potential customers and interested attendees experienced the latest in Smart Green Solutions and learned from technical experts who demonstrated the applications and ease of integration with existing built environments. 

The wide range of products from the Delta group included solutions for building automation, lighting, security and surveillance, thermal management, IAQ, and more. Attendees who visited the booth wanted to see the next era of connectivity, and Delta Controls was proud to showcase their latest in the space: the Red5 product line. With virtually limitless scalability, faster processing, and I/O modularity, the Red5 family can easily be retrofitted into existing systems and allow for continuous expansion, futureproofing customer’s investments. Paired with solutions from the other groups, including VIVOTEK’s surveillance systems and Amerlux’s bold and customizable lighting solutions, the Delta booth was a technical demonstration of what “Smarter Buildings, Smarter Cities” can look like, and how they can improve our quality of life.

The momentum continued into the third and final day of AHR 2023, and the entire Delta group worked tirelessly to share their expertise and gather leads. Highlighted with a significant increase in impressions and interest on social media, AHR 2023 was considered a success, and a great example of the innovation, leadership, and reputation of Delta in the industry.
Delta Electronics reimagines the future of smart cities with their total solutions at AHR 2023. 

 Thanks to the Delta group for showing up and making AHR 2023 a success!