Delta features upgraded CNC controllers at TIMTOS 2023
Cloud & on-premises integration for sustainable smart manufacturing
Text by IABG 2023/04
With the Internet of Things (IoT) as the underlying architecture, Delta actively penetrated intelligent manufacturing, smart buildings, energy infrastructure, and information and communications among other fields. This year, Delta exhibited the upgraded and evolved CNC controller NC5 series and industry application solutions at the Taipei International Machine Tool Show (TIMTOS 2023) with Cloud-On Premise Connectivity and Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing as the main focal point. Users can remotely monitor the machine or adjust the production lines, and improve yield through streamlined management.

Software and hardware integration towards sustainable intelligent manufacturing  
Smart manufacturing and sustainability are keywords in today’s industry and are influencing the progress and direction of transformation and upgrades. Delta Industrial Automation has extensive experience in smart manufacturing and has continuously summarized actual needs in the machining scenarios. Delta has participated in the Taipei International Machine Tool Show 2023 (TIMTOS 2023) and exhibited in five topics, including “Manufacturing Operation Visualization”, “CNC Industry-Specific Applications”, “Smart Manufacturing Integration”, “ESG Fulfillment for the Industry”, and “Smart Machines”. For metal machining, Delta is integrating its upgraded High Performance General CNC Controller NC5 Series with lathe, milling, wood routing, multi-spindle machinery, and other CNC IIoT solutions. The CNC controller NC5 Series’ new features include built-in industry CAD/CAM and energy consumption calculation for machining to enhance productivity and yield rate, and achieve environmental sustainability. With the CNC IIoT architecture, the solutions support MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and visualization platforms to optimize management efficiency for a new era in machining.

David Tsai, Deputy BG Head of Delta Industrial Automation BG introduced products and the involvement in the CNC field at TIMTOS 2023.

Delta’s exhibit highlights at TIMTOS 2023 include:  
Manufacturing Operation Visualization - Observing pain points in the machining industry resulting from the lack of machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, such as inefficient management and poor data records and traceability, Delta is presenting its Visualization for Metal Machinery Smart Factory during TIMTOS 2023. Including the 3D Visualization Management System and the Scada System VTScada, machining manufacturers can choose based on their applications and production requirements. Both solutions can monitor, collect, upload, and analyze machine and machining data. With clear charts, machining manufacturers can quickly find where to improve, assist decision-making, and continuously optimize the process.

CNC Industry-Specific Applications - Delta’s CNC controller NC5 Series has received much praise since its debut. Based on its powerful features of machine tool and robot arm controller integration, RTCP 5-axis processing, and more, the NC5 Series now has newly added built-in industry CAD/CAM. The software can automatically identify graphics and generate G Code with one click and it supports tool path simulation which shortens production time and enhances productivity. 

Delta demonstrates its newly upgraded CNC controller NC5 Series with newly built-in industry CAD/CAM which can automatically identify graphics, generate G Code with one click, and support tool path simulation to shorten production and enhance productivity.

In terms of software, Delta showcases CAD/CAM specifically for the machine tool industry. The software supports standard milling and lathe controller commands and features pattern identification, machining optimization, auto tool selection, interference detection, domain know-how integration, and more. Machining manufacturers can integrate controllers, software functions, and know-how based on different industry machine requirements to enhance machine value and competitiveness.

Smart Manufacturing Integration - Adopting industrial robots for repetitive and dangerous work is the current trend. In response to growing demand, Delta has developed a comprehensive product portfolio including SCARA, articulated robots, and the Modular Robot RS-M90E7 combining the advantages of industrial and collaborative robots in terms of performance and friendly operation. In addition to the robots, Delta is showcasing its Smart Screwdriving Solutions for Assembly, providing handheld and integrated robotic arm solutions with the Smart Screwdriving System to complete metal production from machining to assembly.

Delta demonstrates the 5-axis machining center at TIMTOS 2023. The CNC controller NC5 Series is the solution core integrated with the Module Robot RS-M90E7, which combines the advantages of industrial and collaborative robots to showcase the future direction for machine tool transformation.

Fulfillment for the Industry - ESG is no doubt among the current high-awareness topics in the industry. As a pioneer advocating environmental sustainability, Delta continuously devotes innovation and research and development (R&D) to enhancing resource utilization efficiency and product sustainability to respond to global carbon reduction goals. During TIMTOS 2023, Delta is exhibiting its Smart Green Manufacturing Solution and the CNC controller NC5 Series featuring built-in energy management functions, which can generate workpiece carbon footprint reports to facilitate the industry in achieving energy savings and fulfill ESG.

Smart Machines - Delta is joining forces with its partners to demonstrate the smart machining center, lathe machine, 3-axis milling machine, and grinding machine with NC5 Series solutions to showcase the practical applications of its RTCP, multi-axis, and multi-channel functions. In addition, Delta is presenting its Electric Servo Press AM-SAP F Series to provide a precise, accurate, and high-speed press-fitting option to optimize machining precision for complex production.

Besides the exhibits, Delta has also arranged seminars during TIMTOS 2023 to share in-depth and professional insights in the fields of CNC controller NC5 Series integrated applications. This includes software and hardware integration for turning, milling, woodworking, and other multi-axis applications, industry-specific smart CAD/CAM solution, metal machinery 3D smart factory, green boosters for machine tool industry to fulfill ESG, and electric servo press for metal part processing. Two topics are presented every day to assist the machine tool industry in achieving machinery transformation and seizing the opportunities of smart machining.

For more information on Delta’s machine tool related products and solutions, please visit the Delta Virtual Expo for TIMTOS 2023