Delta's newly dynamic-beyond series micro-module datacenter made its debut
Text by Delta Greentech 2020/12

Jinghua Zhong, deputy chief engineer of China Electronics Engineering Design Institute (CEEDI) and head of the China data center task group, affirmed the application prospects of Delta's new Dynamic-Beyond series micro-module datacenter. He was pleased to see that a manufacturer like Delta is committed to serving users by providing reliable solutions that can reassure customers, and building a green and high-performance data center that meets the present requirements.

Nan Li, Director of the Division for Key Infrastructure Solutions Products of Delta Greentech, said: "We saw an continuous increase in the demand for micro-module datacenters. Greenness and smartness are the mainstream of datacenter in the future. With steady accumulation of experience, the officially released Dynamic-Beyond Series offer better scalability, better space utilization and energy efficiency performance. Within the precious floor space of the data center, it maximizes net benefits, and increases the ratio of space and equipment utilization where the infrastructure is built."

In contrast to traditional micro-module datacenter solutions, the Dynamic-Beyond series not only enable seamless expansion from one to multiple racks, but its backplane air-conditioning solution can also achieve rapid cooling. Secondly, the distributed power supply makes simple and easy assembly possible, which saves time, enables easy assembly that creates greater flexibility. These differences have given Delta Dynamic-Beyond Series noticeable advantages, namely, server rack cooling, integrated design, and distributed power supply.

Nan Li, Director of the Division for Key Infrastructure Solutions Products of Delta Greentech made the conference speech