Digitized automation for a changing world - Delta showcases cloud-based smart factory at Taipei automation show 2020
Text by IABG 2020/10

Delta just participated in the Taipei Int’l Industrial Automation Exhibition 2020 (Automation Show 2020). Focusing on the theme of “Digitized Automation for a Changing World”, Delta integrated cloud and IIoT technology, manufacturing platforms, smart equipment and advanced automation products to present a Factory Control and Monitoring Center, Smart Manufacturing Solutions, Industry-specific Solutions and Smart Machine Suite & Advanced Automation Products. Each of the topics covered Delta’s latest solutions, equipment and products, including the highlighted edgeMES (MES and operation management for machine making), electronics assembly solutions based on Delta’s real experience, and smart equipment including a robot grinding solution, loading / unloading robot workstation, and AI-based six-sided inspection machine.

Delta participated in the Taipei Automation Show 2020 from August 19th ~ 22ndand attracted many visitors with the theme of “Digitized Automation for a Changing World”

IABG GM Andy Liu introduced Delta’s latest smart manufacturing solutions to the media and visitors

Andy Liu, the General Manager of the Delta Industrial Automation Business Group (IABG), pointed out that many industries have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet some new businesses and opportunities have emerged. “Because of the coronavirus outbreak, the IABG expects a major sales increase coming from healthcare-related industries such as surgical masks, protective clothing, and respirators. We are also seeing an acceleration of automation and smart solution implementation in many industries due to the unpredictability of human and external factors,” said Andy. 

To showcase cloud-integrated smart manufacturing for customers, Delta is using a large-scale TV wall to demonstrate its digital control and monitoring center for manufacturing. Smart solutions for electronics and other target industries are also featured for upgrading equipment, production processes and factories. Andy affirmed, “We are helping our customers enhance their competitiveness and prepare for post-pandemic growth with Delta’s smart manufacturing.”

Smart Manufacturing Seminars & Live Streaming
Delta held two seminars per day at its booth along with live streaming on YouTube during the tradeshow. The seminars focused on topics such as Transformation for Factory Digitalization, Cloud-integrated Smart Factory, Smart Equipment, Electronics Industry Solutions and more. On August 20th, the announcement of the new edgeMES for Machine Making with Microsoft and Trend Macro during the seminars attracted many visitors onsite and a large audience on YouTube. Please feel free to go to Delta Industrial Automation’s YouTube channel to watch the live streaming at: , or search “Delta Industrial Automation” on YouTube.