Delta Greentech successfully holds “2020 Network Energy Dealers Conference”
Text by Delta Greentech 2020/08

Delta Greentech(DGC) successfully held “2020 Network Energy Dealers Conference” with the theme of “Great Internet, New Ecology and Welcoming the Future”. Due to the COVID-19, this year the conferences adopted online sharing how to seize opportunities, provided three major ways, “MDC3.0, brand new HIFT and new RT”, and one major protection, “channels support two-wheel drive”. Channel partners and DGC colleagues have taken part in the event.

General Manager Yi-Zhong Tan makes a speech in the Channel Dealers Conference, hoping that the opportunity of new infrastructure construction can be seized to make great achievements again

General Manager Tan Yi-Zhong said that Delta still achieved good results even in the difficult conditions of 2019. These gains from the efforts and contributions of channel partners. In 2020, it is hoped to get the opportunity of new infrastructure construction and make great achievements again through the efforts of channel partners and DGC.

Director Cai Jie of Delta Greentech Network Energy said, “DGC will empower channel partners in “regional distribution platform” and “solution sales in the next five years,”. Li Song-Lin, Channel Director of Network Energy, reviewed the performance in 2019, and presented specific strategies to help the growth of channel business in 2020. Finally, Director Li Song-Lin also announced the 2019 Winner List of Outstanding Channel Dealers Awards to be commended.