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BABG 2020/06

On Earth Day, April 22, Songs of Whales dialogue and film adaptation competition was officially launched in China and Taiwan. Delta sponsored the filming crew to film the humpback whales between equatorial regions with an 8K documentary. It aims to explain carbon capture potential of whales and to catch public’s attention on marine conservation. Delta invites talents from all walks of life to participate in the documentary’s dialogue production. We hope that participants can make use of their creative ideas to add dialogues or make adaptations to the video clips, instilling stories and life to the dialogue between the mother and daughter humpback whales. We also hope to attract more outstanding copywriters and multimedia talents, and support marine conservation and sustainability of environmental ecology. 

Delta’s Chief Brand Officer, Ms. Shan-Shan Guo said, “We can hear the mysterious and intriguing calls of the mother and daughter humpback whales from the film. We hope that participants can unleash their imagination, and bring relaxation and warmth through the dialogue between humpback whales.”

Stunning presentation of the sight of humpback whales through detailed 8K image

Delta’s Chief Brand Officer, Ms. Shan-Shan Guo said, “Delta has been promoting environmental education for years, and after the world’s first 8K environmental documentary “Water with Life in Taiwan” in 2019, we’ll be launching Delta’s 8K video this year. This is about the story of how whales protect the earth environment for human beings. The filming crew travelled all the way to the Kingdom of Tonga in the South Pacific filming which lasted more than 3 months. Through Delta’s 8K projection technologies, the film presents the journey in detail, on which the sight of humpback whales travelling thousands of kilometers from Antarctica to the equator to nurture their next generation. Besides the stunning images, we can also hear the mysterious and intriguing calls of humpback whales. In the global pandemic, we hope that participants can unleash their imagination, and bring relaxation and warmth through the dialogue between the mother and daughter humpback whales.” 

Director of “Songs of Whales”, Mr. Nakagawa (中川西), shared, “This is my first attempt in filming humpback whales in the Kingdom of Tonga in 8K resolution. The size of the 8K video camera is large, making moving underwater more difficult. At the same time, we need to maintain an appropriate distance to avoid alarming the whales as well as to get a sharp focus, making the overall filming full of challenges. A baby humpback whale is about 5 meters in length. If we present it on a 300 inch 8K screen that is 6 meter wide, viewers can almost feel the actual size of the whale. We hope that through this spectacular image, the people can experience the rare sight of the ocean environment.” 

Marine conservation needs you and me
Humpback whales, one of the world’s largest mammals, have considerable significance to the marine food chain, and are very good in carbon sequestration which helps to slow climate change. According to a study published by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), each whale can sequester an average of 33 tons of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. And that amount is equivalent to the capture potential of 3,000 trees per year. Through “Songs of Whales,” Delta hopes to build the public awareness of the whales’ contribution to the earth environment, and hopes the competition can also attract more talents into marine conservation. 

For competition details, please visit the event website: