8K documentary premiere on NHK and simultaneously debuting at NMNS
Text by Delta Electronics Foundation 2019/04

Group photo at the "Water with Life" premier: (from right to left) The documentary producer Mr. Kazuhiro Sato, the Director of National Museum of Natural Science, Mr. Wei-Hsin Sun, the founder of Delta, Mr. Bruce Cheng, the Director-General of Water Resources Agency , Dr. Chien-Hsin Lai, the chairman of Delta, Mr. Yancey Hai, the vice chairman of the Delta Electronics Foundation, Ms. Shan-shan Guo, and the spokesman of the Delta, Mr. Jesse Chou

Sponsored by Delta Electronics Foundation (DEF), “Water with Life” is Taiwan’s first 8K UHD environmental documentary, and will be broadcasted to the world via Japan’s NHK on March 31st. In collaboration with the National Museum of Natural Science (NMNS) at the same time, using 8K projector developed and produced by Delta and featuring the highest brightness in the world, DEF invites NMNS volunteers and honored guests who care about Taiwan’s environment to experience the lifelike effect of the 8K projection at the 3D theater of NMNS together.

In recent years, due to the aggravated climate change, issues including extreme rainfall, warm winter and drought, coral bleaching, sea level rise and so on have worsen, which also make Taiwan's water situation tight almost every year, and affect the amount of crop production. To increase the public’s attention to the important of water resources, Delta Foundation has invited Japan’s NHK Enterprises (NEP) to shoot a documentary to faithfully present the various features of Taiwan's waterscape with the world’s leading 8K UHD photographic technology.

Bruce Cheng, founder of Delta Group and Chairman of DEF, also attended the premiere in person, seating in front of the near-700-inch screen featuring UHD 8K projection with more than 300 honored guests at the 3D theater of NMNS for the immersive experience. In his opening remark, Mr. Cheng also stressed in particular that only 7/100,000 (0.007%) of the earth's water can be used by mankind, but according to the WWDR recently published by the UN, water use has been increasing worldwide by about 1% per year since the 1980s, and over 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. We must cherish our water resources.

The film “Water with Life” takes the four seasons as observation points, surveys scenery from Kenting in the south all the way to Hokkaido in the north, and records influences brought by water resources impacted by earth warming, such as the gradually disappearing lichen and moss in Chilan Mountain (Yilan County), ecological restoration of Formosan landlocked salmon in Chijiawan Stream in Taichung, and coral bleaching of Pingtung Kenting. The film hopes to rise the environmental awareness of the public, and let the public “know about water”, “protect water” and “cherish water” together with DEF.

After the premiere on March 31st, the 8K film “Water with Life ” will be broadcasted at the 3D theater of NMNS in Taichung for public charity cause from April 2nd to 7th. In the future, there will also be plans for touring broadcasts in Taipei, Taichung and Tainan, in an effort to continuing the influence of this documentary.