2019 DGC Annual Conference and Channel Conference were successfully held
Text by DGC 2019/04

Dr. Donald Yu, Managing Director of DGC, reviewed and summarized the development of the company and the industry in 2018, while thanking all the colleagues for their efforts and expressing his high expectation for 2019

2019 DGC Annual Conference- Joint Operation with Common Ideals, Weaving Dreams and Forging ahead 

DGC Annual Conference in 2019 lasted for 2 days, with 186 colleagues from 22 business departments and administrative units having attended the conference. In the report sharing session, Dr. Donald Yu, Managing Director of DGC, said that in 2018, the Sino-US trade conflict brought great uncertainty to the market, and in 2019, the growth rate of China's macro economy is not so optimistic but remains on a steady and forward-looking trend. He called on all the colleagues to overcome all difficulties, create business opportunities, and strengthen cooperation among departments to move toward the goal of US$1 billion a year.

2019 Delta Electromechanical Channel Supplier Conference- Potential Accumulation, Innovation, and Transcendence

The theme of this Channel Supplier Conference was “Potential Accumulation, Innovation and Transcendence”, where Dr. Donald Yu, Managing Director of DGC, Mr. Eric Chen, General Manager of DGC Electromechanical Business Department, Director of Product Development Division, Director of Industry Division, Region Director, responsible persons from relevant functional departments, and representatives from Delta’s electromechanical channel suppliers, with more than 130 people in all, gathered in Wujiang, Suzhou, to summarize the channel work in 2018 and discuss the development plan in 2019.

Mr. Eric Chen said that in 2018, Delta continued to strengthen the industrial automation field, with new products coming out frequently, while collaborating with CODESYS for strengthening the software; key industries, new strategies for the EU market, and enhanced channel management are all directly linked with users, thereby coming out with a new innovated ecosystem. In 2019, Delta and its channel partners will continue to provide customers with more valuable solutions through the high-quality products and complete services.

2019 Channel Supplier Conference for DGC Key Infrastructure Solutions Business Department–Elites Marching Forward Together, Riding the Wave to Win the Future

This Conference lasted for 3 days, with attendees including Managing Director of DGC Dr. Donald Yu, MCIS Business Department Director of DGC Cai Jie, colleagues from relevant product divisions of Delta CIS BU and DGC MCIS Business Department, and various channel partners.

Cai Jie, MCIS Business Department Director of DGC, said that 2018 was a year of bumper harvest. In the industries such as semiconductor, IDC, and communication, Delta achieved encouraging results with its UPS and data center infrastructure solutions. In 2019, Delta and its channel partners will continue to provide customers with more valuable solutions through its professional competency, high-quality products, and complete services that aim to create win-wins for all.

Core channel partners of MCIS Business Department, as well as leaders and team elites of Delta and DGC from all over the country, gathered in the beautiful Mountain Wuyi to attend 2019 Channel Supplier Conference for DGC Key Infrastructure Solutions Business Department