Delta builds fast, stable system solutions for palletizing robots
Text by DGC 2019/02

Delta builds fast, stable system solutions for palletizing robots

Delta’s palletizing robotic system solutions support a variety of robot types, including three commonly used in the palletizing industry: TypeA articulated (absolute), TypeB linked (absolute), TypeC screwed (absolute and incremental). They include guided situation process settings, which can be quickly switched according to the requirements of various industrial environments, supporting a wide array of production lines such as one-to-one (from one line onto one pallet), multi-pallet (from one line onto two pallets), multi-line (from two lines onto one or two pallets).

The Delta palletizing robotic system includes the handheld human-machine interface DOP-H series, which is characterized by its compact structure, responsiveness, stability, sturdiness, and low power consumption. The handheld mode can be equipped with hardware traditionally with no room for display installation to communicate, which is suitable for integrating with multiple devices that require individual adjustments and settings, as well as automatic devices that involve confirmation and adjustments of actual operation positions.

With regard to programming, modifying the system solution only requires setting the corresponding parameters of each command, which greatly reduces the programming time. For example, since the program path is unchanged, setting two sets of processes can be done by setting the process numbers with the same set of programs.

A food and beverage manufacturer adopted the Delta PAC controller and the servo drive system ASDA-A2-F series, in combination with the DOP-H handheld palletizing machine solution for the stacking of bottled beverages. The running speed and stability of the machines both achieved the desired effect.