Delta awards 2018 “Enterprise Innovation Award” and “Intelligent System Innovative Solutions Award” by the Chinese Association of Automation
Text by DGC 2019/02

he Chinese Association of Automation revealed the results of its 2018 awards selection. With its outstanding innovative abilities and advanced innovative mechanisms, Delta won the “Chinese Association of Automation Enterprise Innovative Award” and “Chinese Association of Automation Intelligent System Innovative Solutions Award.” The “Energy Management Solutions for Brilliance Auto Welding Shop,” which Delta customized for its client, stood out in the completion to win the grand award. 

Delta was awarded 2018 “Enterprise Innovation Award” and “Intelligent System Innovative Solutions Award” by the Chinese Association of Automation

Delta has established a diverse innovative mechanism and cultivated an in-depth innovative culture to promote technology innovation. In 2017, Delta employees and teams around the globe proposed 35 excellent innovative projects, which contributed in terms of techniques, products, process improvements and new visionary models. In addition, Delta actively promotes technical innovations, establishing laboratories in its Wujiang Production Base on various fields such as soldering, failure analysis, quality engineering and environment-related substance analysis, and collaborating with other organizations and enterprises to realize the technological innovation and perfection and to be applied in the fields of big data, education and medical care. 

In response to Brilliance Auto’s need for energy control, besides, Delta provided its welding shop with a reliable power distribution system solution for energy management, which enables data acquisition, wireless connection and technical support of control. The system will help to monitor and analyze the data of the entire welding shop and three energy resources in the main working areas, namely water, electricity and compressed air, and then provide basis for decision-making. This project has thus earned Delta the “Intelligent System Innovative Solutions Award”.