Great results in a year! A joint venture between Delta and NTU accelerated the application of AI
Text by DRC 2019/02

Dr. Thomas Li, Delta’s CTO (second from the right in the front row), Professor Wu, Jia-Ling , the chief investigator of the project (second from the left in the front row), the entire Delta research staff and NTU professors heading the projects presenting their progress during the result presentation

Along with National Taiwan University (NTU), Delta held the “Result Presentation for Delta-NTU Industry-University Cooperative Research Project”, demonstrating the progress for five projects in the areas such as machine vision, semantic comprehension, indoor positioning and predictive maintenance. With Delta’s practical experience in the industry and the rich research capacity from NTU, we created new value and economic benefits for AI, producing meaningful and globally competitive research results.

During the presentation, Dr. Thomas Li, Delta’s CTO, emphasized that the project has obtained good research results after one year of hard work. In the future, the project will focus on the establishment and verification of an actual system, realizing the translation research results. This is an excellent demonstration of Delta’s vision of having an open, innovative, cooperative system that accelerates technology development while creating an all-win scenario. 

Professor Wu, Jia-Ling, the chief investigator of the project also stated that NTU has always been focusing on actively implementing pilots in academia, leading research on practical technology and nurturing the research and development potential for enterprises. This allows NTU to nurture talents, conduct research, train future leaders and provide research data for both the academia and the industry. In the future, it is believed that with further collaboration and cooperation with the industry, we can create a new era of smart manufacturing, benefiting everyone!

On top of presenting the new research results, Delta Research Center has also introduced the new resources from the enterprise, namely Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI CoE) and Cyber-Physical Systems Security Solution & Service Center (CPSS3C), to provide a more diversified and comprehensive platform for the collaboration, accelerating the development of research results into solutions, and invite more talents from academia to join the industry of AI application.

In addition, in order to encourage outstanding teachers and students, Delta AI CoE presented outstanding research awards to Professor Tsai, Hsin-mu and Ms. Hsu, Zong-Yuan to commemorate them for their works in the application of AI in fields like visible light indoor positioning technology and reading comprehension technology in deep learning, in the hope that this collaboration will create a deeper impact on the industry and society.