Delta DRV90L aeries articulated robot wins "2018 Golden Finger Award"
Text by DGC 2018/09

Delta articulated robot DRV90L serieswins innovative product award

Delta's multi-axis articulated robot DRV90L series won the innovative product award in the "2018 Gold Finger Awards - China International Robot Annual Rating".

The multi-axis articulated robot DRV90L series is a six-axis, multi-angle industrial robot with a 900mm working radius, a 7 kg maximum load, and superior speed, linearity, verticality, and precision repeatability. Its sensor compliance allows for the compensation for the deviation between workpieces and insertion holes. The robot series is a combination of performance and high quality. The DRV90L series is highly integrable and can quickly integrate the automated components released by Delta to create a high performance robot workstation. Based on the changes of the production line, it can quickly introduce production line automation to satisfy the needs of process applications and help industrial clients of 3C electronics, rubber and plastic, machine tools, food products etc. to improve the production efficiency and quality.

The "2018 Golden Finger Award - China International Robot Annual Rating" is supervised by the China Machinery Industry Federation and jointly initiated by the 2018 China International Robot Show (CIROS) and the Vogel Industry Media. The purpose of the event is to effectively review the drive of technological innovation in the robot industry, find the development driving force, source, path, and directions of technological innovation in the industrial robot field, and further continuously improve China's high-end equipment application standards.