In April this year, the Delta Research Center was invited by Intel Lab, US to travel to their research headquarters in Santa Clara, California to participate in the annual seminar of “National Taiwan University IoX Center Workshop on Augmented Collective Beings” hosted by Intel and to share its achievements and research capabilities in smart fields. Delta was the first private Taiwanese company to be invited to the annual seminar, fully demonstrating the world class research capabilities of Taiwanese enterprises.
The two main research topics Delta demonstrated were: “Smart Manufacturing - Automatic Defect Classification” and “Smart Living - Indoor Air Quality Sensing”, developed by Delta’s research teams in Taipei and Singapore, respectively. The Automatic Defect Classification (ADC) demonstration displayed the visual recognition system developed by the Taipei team. It can be used to improve the manufacturing process of displays, assisting the manufacturer to analyze display testing results by categorizing and detecting flaws to improve the production process, with an inspection accuracy rate of 97% above. The Singapore team, on the other hand, explored how to use IoT detection methods to analyze the composition of the air for improving air pollution and standards of living. Both subjects have earned a lot of interest from Intel Lab researchers, opening up possibilities for future collaboration. Executives from Intel were also impressed by Delta’s investment and achievements on innovation and R&D.
Already a corporate partner to NTU IoX center, Delta has also started a new corporate partnership with NTU through its research center last year. By combining Delta’s practical industry experience and NTU’s academic research capabilities, Delta hopes to develop more opportunities for AI and IoT applications.The research team demonstrated research topics and results of Smart Manufacturing and Smart Living at Intel Lab, US