Delta's participation in the compilation of CASS-ESG 6.0 focusing on ESG development
Text by Public Affairs Department 2024/08

The "ESG China - Sustainable Development Report Guidelines Release Conference," organized jointly by the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society and the Responsibility Cloud Research Institute, took place in Beijing. The "General Framework of CASS-ESG 6.0" (CASS-ESG 6.0), in which Delta participated in its formulation, has been officially released. It offers Chinese enterprises professional tools to create high-quality sustainable development reports that meet regulatory requirements. Ms. May Wu, Chairperson of the Delta China ESG Committee, was invited to attend the launch ceremony and deliver a keynote speech. She shared Delta's achievements in implementing the dual carbon goals and developing new quality productivity, collaborating with the industry to create a low-carbon and sustainable future. Delta has been implementing an internal carbon pricing mechanism since 2021. In 2022, it achieved a 13.5% reduction in carbon emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2. By 2023, the proportion of global renewable energy usage reached 76%, as it moves steadily towards its goal of carbon neutrality by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.
Chairperson May Wu (left) of the Delta China ESG Committee and Hong-Wu Zhong (right), professor of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and President of the Responsibility Cloud Research Institute, have jointly endorsed the "Guidelines 6.0."

Chairperson May Wu of Delta China ESG Committee stated that this is Delta's second significant contribution to the development of the local Sustainable Development Information Disclosure Guidelines, following the release of "Guidelines 5.0." It provides a valuable reference for companies to improve the quality of their ESG reporting. Delta values practices and information disclosure in the areas of environment, society, and governance (ESG). It is committed to innovation and the development of high-quality products, investing over 8% of its global revenue annually in research and development expenses, striving to improve product energy conversion efficiency. By leveraging high-efficiency power electronics core technology, Delta addresses environmental issues brought about by climate change through energy conservation and carbon reduction initiatives across various aspects such as products, production sites, green buildings, and supply chains. From 2011 to 2023, Delta has implemented a total of 3,236 energy conservation projects in its production sites. As a result, it has reduced electricity consumption by 403 million kilowatt-hours, which is equivalent to a carbon reduction of 313,000 tons.

Delta Group has been publishing corporate social responsibility reports since 2005. Since 2014, we have consistently released simplified Chinese versions of the reports (Sustainability Report) for nine years. These reports aim to highlight Delta's progress and achievements in Corporate Governance, Environmental Protection and Energy Savings, as well as employee and social participation in mainland China. The report not only references international standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative's "Guidelines for Sustainability Report (GRI Standards)," but also incorporates domestic standards such as the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' CASS series of "guidelines for corporate social responsibility reporting" and the China Electronics Standardization Association SJ/T 16000 2016 Guidelines for Social Responsibility in the Electronic Information Industry. Delta's sustainability report information disclosure quality has been recognized by the industry. It has received a five-star rating from the China Enterprise Social Responsibility Report Rating Expert Committee for four consecutive years and a five-star excellent rating for three consecutive years. Delta serves as a model in corporate social responsibility reporting.

"Guidelines 6.0" was developed in collaboration between the China Enterprise Reform and Development Society and the Responsibility Cloud Research Institute. It is the most recent version based on the 2009 "(CASS-CSR 1.0)" compiled by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences after five revisions. In 2022, it officially transitioned into the ESG Report Guidelines with the release of "Guidelines 5.0," making it the first ESG Report Guidelines in China. The CASS series of guidelines has assisted numerous large domestic and international enterprises in effectively preparing and publishing sustainability reports, thereby making a substantial contribution to the promotion of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development in China.