Integrating key equipment data with Delta real-time data monitoring solution
Text by IABG 2024/06

In an age where data is the new gold, semiconductor supply chains seek more intuitive and integrated data monitoring solutions. To achieve scientific management and precise resource allocation, efficient data collection is a prerequisite. With extensive OT and IT experience, Delta has helped a semiconductor parts cleaning company in Taiwan integrate equipment data and management software to achieve real-time equipment status monitoring, alarm notification, and quality management.

In the semiconductor parts cleaning plant, there are various types of equipment, such as chemical tanks, circulating water systems, sandblasters, thermal spraying machines, laboratory instruments, air compressors, and more. However, signal collection is challenging due to varying communication protocols making manual monitoring necessary, which often results in inefficiencies. For instance, in cases where the pH level of the cleaning solution does not meet the required standards, human intervention is needed.

The Delta Real-Time Data Monitoring Solution solves the problem by remotely monitoring plant equipment and planning an integrated measurement procedure. The solution seamlessly connects different devices and sensors, and instantly transmits data to the upper-level management software for decision-making based on the quality control requirements of the plant.The Delta Real-Time Data Monitoring Solution powerfully integrates the OT and IT of the factory, enabling remote real-time monitoring of equipment and quality data. At the equipment layer, the Industrial Network Communication Module IFD9506 converts signals for seamless equipment connection. Sensors play an important part in capturing real-time equipment data, including temperature, flow rate, pH value, pressure, water resistance, and other critical data.

At the information layer, the combination of SCADA System VTScada and the DIASPC Statistical Process Control System form a mobile command center. VTScada offers an intuitive visualization interface and a comprehensive driver library that can connect to industrial sensors of various brands within the factory. DIASPC is responsible for collecting real-time quality information and issuing alarms to improve production quality. VTScada and DIASPC automatically integrate equipment status and production quality information that was previously difficult to obtain. Moreover, alarm notifications are promptly delivered through multiple channels for immediate action, including Line, WeChat, email, voice calls, and visual dashboards.

The Delta Real-Time Data Monitoring Solution creates an interwoven smart factory by integrating the equipment, communication, and information layers. This solution significantly enhances data collection and analysis efficiency while ensuring product quality, paving the way for the digital transformation of factories.
Delta’s solution powerfully integrates the OT and IT of the factory, enabling remote real-time monitoring of equipment and quality data.